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49 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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snow me

It sounds like a snow scene, but really sounds like something off runescape, lol. You got real talent man. Im giving this a 5 and a waffle cause I want breakfast at midnight :P.

I think if you slowed this down a little and gave it more oumpf you could make it more triumphant and make it seem like a batlte has won.

Check out my stuff

MusicalRocky responds:

Lol thanks. But, like, what do you mean, winning a battle? This is kids sledding haha. Maybe they feel special cuz they made it down the hill safely? THanks for your review man. I appreciate it. I made it fast because the kids are excited.


love what you did to it, I found a few inconsitancys such as the lazor sound. The fades where very well done and the bass, well the start was a little plain, but it gae ti the intro it needed to keep me listening :P.

Check out my stuff :P

DJCityScape responds:

this is one of those songs that when you reduce the bitrate the sounds sorta meld together and i noticed that tat sound was a little off. it's ok when it's less compressed. thanks for the review i'll check your's out.


Nice, keep this stuff up, sounds like hyped up gaming track. This is awesome, hmmm, it's even worth downloading :P.

Swift-Reason responds:

sweet...thanks man! i did check out your stuff. most of it has a video game music feel to it. cool stuff. thanks again


This is one sweet song, I like what you done, the start was bumpy but the rest was nice and smooth.

BotonyProduktions responds:

Thanks for the review. Yeah, I know. I couldn't get the beginning the way I wanted it, But oh well. Like I said, I appreciateyour comments.

tisk tisk tisk

Hmm, it sounds like you stole this... this is exactly like I remember it. If this is stolen remove it imeditially.

If you made this, well done on your brilliant work, but the bass was repeatitive, I know people don't usually notice that, but I do :P

Rate n' Review my stuff as well.

DJExcalibur responds:

sorry i uploaded the wrong file


This is great, can't wait for the full version, although the drumm loop gets boring after a while, need more guitar and maybe a little singing :P.

PS I thought the name of the song was really called an upcoming demo, please put some brackets in next time.

Stealth-Emergence responds:

Hmm not sure If I'll be coming back to this one for a while as I 've started several other pieces which are nearer completion and I hope to solve all the sound issues I'm having too, brackets yup I'll remember to put that to it next time

Thanks for your review

Peace Out!



hmm, only a mouth full of energy drink. That was good, great, beautiful... but not what I call a hit. See, if you really want to make a hit, study the songs out there(The fruit by Sander Kleinenberg is a fav), sure you do way better than them in some areas but in others you are lacking (I think you'll reach it). You have to have more diversity, and make those melodys stand out more, don't make them original, make them unique.

I loved the song, it sounds like the vox kinda ruined it, but also it made the song, near the end when the woman sung softly et clearly was amazing a really opened my ears. Get an actually singer, and make them sing someting catchy and repeatative.

Seriously, it was perfect for what it was, no one could do it better.

Rave4Yourself responds:

Lol, yeah! Think about if it were an entire 2 liter!!! HOH HOH HOH, that'd be SWEEEEEEEET, ;D

K thanks for the tip/s man, I'll think about what you said. The vox did sort of ruin it, but whatever! :P If you want i can send a non-voxed version, I think it'd sound better, lol.

meh, I like music, its a passion... I have talent, its a passion... ALL MY BASS BELONG TO ME and no one else :P

Brendan @DJRaveR

Age 35, Male


Yes :P


Joined on 8/11/06

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