View Profile DJRaveR

82 Audio Reviews

49 w/ Responses


This seems a little empty, but otherwise its well done, it seems a little of tune but other than that I think its awesome. What was great was how you went from soft and simple to music to a more hardcore feel with the melodys. Keep this great work.

5/5 Check out my stuff :P

DJ-DaVinster responds:

Yeah, I think this isn't done. There MAY be a second extended version, but other than that I loved it too...

I'll try & check your stuff soon.

not bad

I don't mind it, it could have been more clearer and less repeative. You have the idea man, just haven't got the hang of it. Keep it up!

Check out my stuff to!


After that beautiful master piece I am honored that you reviewed my audio. The pan was the best, should try and do a fade out with each ear or something, anyway, keep up the awesome work. There was a part at the end where the bass fuzzed, make sure it don't happen in future projects.

Flashburn responds:

haha thanks, ya im gonna have to watch some of the EQ issues

Love it

This is sounds good, but the cut from the guitars were strange. The drums came in at the right time. Oh, and love the techno stuff inserted in there, gives it a nice spacy feel.

Its not something I would listen to everyday but it is great to listen to, love the pan's.

Check out my stuff!

CjienX responds:

Thanks man, im making new music and posting it soon, and im gonna check out ur stuff right now.

2 words

"I'm gunna say two words and walk away..." "... Fucking Lame"

Biosect responds:

you really prooved a point there

More Instrument

The more the merrier, a violin and a trumpet, dunno. Didn't sound like background music for a flash, but someone actually playing it which is awesome.

Great replay value I assure. Stick to this day job.

Check out my stuff! :P

MusicalRocky responds:

Hey. Lol sorry to tell you, but I just couldn't add more instruments to this piece; it would ruin the feelings I'm trying to convey. That's cool that it sounded like someone really performing it; I tried to help that effect with the dynamics and tempos.

I do intend to stick to writing music.

Thanks for the review man.

snow me

It sounds like a snow scene, but really sounds like something off runescape, lol. You got real talent man. Im giving this a 5 and a waffle cause I want breakfast at midnight :P.

I think if you slowed this down a little and gave it more oumpf you could make it more triumphant and make it seem like a batlte has won.

Check out my stuff

MusicalRocky responds:

Lol thanks. But, like, what do you mean, winning a battle? This is kids sledding haha. Maybe they feel special cuz they made it down the hill safely? THanks for your review man. I appreciate it. I made it fast because the kids are excited.


DUDE... This is great, you did this with piano as well which is awesome. Sounds like you could become a composer for some space movie like Aliens.

This would be the best for any flash movie or any movie for that fact. I give it top marks.


"... and here is some advice from command, DO BETTER THAN YOU ARE CURRENTLY DOING, and please win"... RvB kicks your ass :P. I can see why your audio sucks. It has no change (hardly) and could have been moer complex with your music. I can make better stuff than this in an hour.

People if this ammused you at all, check out my stuff and you will adore everyone of my songs... My first song was better than this as it had variatiy and complex beats and melodys.

Here are some hints to make better audios
1. Use lots of beats and melodys with alot of variaty
2. Use the drum pack that comes with FL
3. If you have a complex beat and think you can't reproduce it, Clone it.
4. TAKE TUTORIALS FOR GOD SAKES... I didn't and yet when I did, it bored me to death as most the stuff I already knew.

Visit my stuff... or for ever be zero'd... if your audio doesn't improve :P

meh, I like music, its a passion... I have talent, its a passion... ALL MY BASS BELONG TO ME and no one else :P

Brendan @DJRaveR

Age 35, Male


Yes :P


Joined on 8/11/06

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